Volunteer Opportunities
Mock Interviewer & Resume Developer
Help people build up their interviewing skills and resumes.
Mock interviews and a polished resume are critical and essential tools in preparing participants for the job search process. Guidelines & Online training are provided for mock interviewers, while templates are provided for resume developers.
Step-Up Cheerleader
Cheer on Step-Up Ceremony graduates.
Write notes for students who could use a little something to keep their spirits up as they work through virtual workshop and attend virtual Step-Up Ceremonies to celebrate as a step up cheerleader. Want to see a Step-Up ceremony before volunteering? Sign-up to visit a Step-Up ceremony in-person or virtually!
Social Media & Outreach Ambassador
Spread the word about TE on social media.
Volunteers help spread awareness about TE programs and services by sharing information on social media as a social media ambassador or assisting with targeted grassroots recruitment strategies as a TE outreach ambassador.
No need to wait to share our updates! Check our our social media pages below.
Civic Engagement & Advocacy
Activate your passion for policy & advocacy with TE.
Our civic engagement and advocacy volunteers will support and spread awareness of TE’s policy agenda and focus with the help policy action items and additional toolkits.
REI Engagement For Your Team
Share your time, skills, and expertise.
Be active in developing a skilled and more equitable Cleveland workforce.
Volunteer Membership
Towards Employment Young Professionals (TEYP)
Towards Employment Young Professionals (TEYP) brings young professionals together to increase awareness and understanding of TE’s mission in the community and to build support for the organization. TEYP members actively participate in building community, networking, fundraising, and volunteer activities.
TE Alumni Advancement Collective
Connect, learn, grow, advance! Becoming a Towards Employment Alumnus means more than new skills and training - you also gain access to amazing professional and professional growth opportunities.
Stay Engaged with TE
TE Annual Fundraising Event
Every year, Towards Employment hosts our Annual Event to help raise funds to connect people to careers!
Volunteer Today!
Interested in volunteering with TE? Complete the Volunteer Interest Form or contact us today!