Towards Employment Young Professionals


What is TEYP?

We welcome all young professionals to get involved!

Towards Employment Young Professionals (TEYP) brings young professionals together to increase awareness and understanding of TE’s mission in the community and to build support for the organization. TEYP members actively participate in building community, networking, fundraising, and volunteer activities.

If you have additional questions, please contact:

Addie at agall-hunter@towardsemployment.org

Past TEYP Events

TEYP's 2nd Annual Bocce To Knock Down Barriers

Tournament & Fundraising Event

TEYP hosted their 2nd annual Bocce to Knock Down Barriers tournament and fundraising event on July 29th, 2022 to raise funds towards the TE mission!

Several teams battled it out at Alta House located in Little Italy, Cleveland to become the Bocce champions! The 2022 tournament winner was "Bocce Balboa" with second place taken by team "Double Sugar".

The evening was filled with good food, laughter, and friendly competition! TEYP is looking forward to next year's Bocce fundraiser. Thank you to our sponsors, and everyone who participated!

Click the button below to view the photo gallery from the event.

Want to learn more?

Reach out with any questions, or if you're interested in joining TEYP!

Addie Gall-Hunter

TEYP Contact

(216) 696-5750 x255